Arnie Swartz, LCSWVisit My Website
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Arnold L. Swartz, LCSW, is a well-known mediator, consultant, and mediation instructor. Arnie has been mediating since 1983. He also serves as a collaborative divorce facilitator. He is an Advanced Practitioner Member of the Association for Conflict Resolution, where he served on the Board of Directors for four years. He is also a member and past president of The Mediation Association of Colorado and is the first recipient of its Mediator of the Year Award, which was given to him in May 1993.

In addition, he is a member of the Metropolitan Denver Interdisciplinary Committee, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and the Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals. He heads his own firm — Arnold Swartz and Associates — which specializes in mediation for family-related and commercial disputes. Arnie has trained mediators in the United States and Canada and has given numerous presentations at local, state and national conferences.

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Credentials & Affiliations


  • Master of Science in Social Administration, Case Western Reserve University’s School of Applied Social Sciences,1969


  • Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals
  • Association for Conflict Resolution
  • The Mediation Association of Colorado
  • Metropolitan Denver Interdisciplinary Committee
  • The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
  • Foothills Collaborative Divorce Professionals


  • Introduction to Collaborative Practice
  • Advanced Collaborative Training

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